We want to warmly invite you to our Advanced Trainer course Tending the Wild Soul from 27th of July until 1st of August in the Belgian Ardennes with Rupert Marques.
Rupert has been working in
the field of experiential Nature-based practice for over 25 years, with a
particular emphasis on rites of passage and contemplative practice in
the wilderness. He has learned and worked with many elders in the
field, such as Joanna Macy, Steven Foster and Meredith Little, Joseph
Goldstein, Arnold Mindell,..
In this course, Rupert and I will be guiding a process that explores the foundations between contemplative and nature-based practice.
Specifically, we will be looking at how the Four Foundations of
Mindfulness and nature-based practices from the Four Directions
Developmental Wheel (Bill Plotkin) can be mutually supportive to one
another and deepen the ground of presence in our daily work for this
world as guides.
We also feel a strong importance to gather people who are already engaged in this work in Belgium, together with new facilitators who are called to explore how to offer their own work in the field of nature-based practice.
facilitators leading you through this process, we will be modelling this approach to intergenerational learning -
one of us being an experienced facilitator and one of us being relatively new, yet very much dedicated towards this
Acknowledging the increasing importance of peer-mentorship and mutual inspiration in these times, our work is offered as a meeting ground that wants to sow seeds for future collaborations and cross language peer-learning, at a time when this work is becoming increasingly important in facing the magnitude of the collective challenges we are living through.
We hope to enable a gathering that will inspire the heart of many, both us and all the beings that are reached by our work.
We warmly invite you to fill in the application form
if you are called to join this adventure to meet other nature-based
trainers in Belgium and receive inspiration from experienced or new
facilitators in the field, while also deepening your own skills and
tools to offer this work. If you unfortunately can't join this journey,
but would love to be informed about future offerings, please also get in
touch with us, so that we can keep you updated about future offerings.
We hope to create a regular gathering of peers out of this journey, if
there is a steady interest.
also feel open to invite and forward this invitation to your team
partners, co-facilitators or other nature coaches or guides that you
know of, for whom you feel this journey might be close to their heart
and of great interest. The course will be held in English, but
translations in French, Dutch or German will be possible.
The training will take place at Chamai, in the Belgian Ardennes. You can read more here about the place and its story and the vision of the work being offered. Full hosting is included in the course, you can find more about the scaled pricings here in the detailed program description.
If you have any other questions or inquiries, please do reach out to us through chamaicentre@gmail.com
Looking forward to welcoming you here on this land and to a fruitful journey together, diving into the depths of this work.
For the love of this Earth and our People,
with blessings and love,
Sophie & Rupert
L'utilisation de la pratique du Conseil comme outil pour la création de
conteneurs sécurisant où la diversité, la vulnérabilité et l'honnêteté
sont fondamentales.
* Un approfondissement de l'agence
personnelle par l'engagement et l'échange avec une communauté de
facilitateurs émergents et d'anciens expérimentés dans le domaine.
vous sentez l'appel de vous joindre à cette aventure d'une rencontre
entre formateurs belges et vous inspirer des approches d'autres
facilitateurs expérimentés ou de jeunes facilitateurs dans le domaine,
tout en approfondissant vos propres compétences et outils pour offrir
votre travail, nous vous invitons chaleureusement à remplir le formulaire d'inscription.
Si vous ne pouvez pas vous joindre à nous pour cette aventure, mais que
vous aimeriez être informé d'autres ateliers de rencontres ou
formations similaires au futur, n'hésitez pas de nous recontacter, afin
que nous puissions vous tenir au courant d'autres offres. Nous espérons
créer un rassemblement régulier après ce premier voyage, s' il y a un
intérêt qui existe dans le réseau.
N'hésitez pas non plus à
inviter et relayer cette invitation à vos partenaires d'équipe, vos
co-facilitateurs ou d'autres guides ou coachs nature que vous connaissez
et pour lesquels vous pensez que ce voyage pourrait leur tenir à cœur
ou les intéresser. La formation se déroulera entièrement en anglais,
mais des traductions en français, néerlandais ou allemand seront
La formation aura lieu à Chamai dans les Ardennes belges. Voici quelques mots sur le lieu et son histoire où se déroulera la formation et aussi la vision général
du travail proposé. L'hébergement complet est inclus dans la formation.
Pour en apprendre plus sur les tarifs conscients, consultez la description détaillée du programme.
Si vous avez d'autres questions sur le cours, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter à l'adresse chamaicentre@gmail.com.
a déjà hâte de vous accueillir sur cette terre et de passer un voyage
fructueux ensemble, en plongeant dans les profondeurs de ce travail.
Pour l'amour de cette Terre et ses Humains,
avec beaucoup d'amour et d'amitié,
Sophie & Rupert